A few years ago, while I was strolling at National Bookstore, I found the book "My Maid Invests in the Stock Market." That time, I wasn't really aware Bo Sanchez was the author of that book. The title simply caught my attention. Perhaps, the red cover added the factor as well. Plus, the book was thin and very cheap.
Perfect timing! I had been looking for books on stock market investing. And some of the books that I've read were "heavy" with terms, which made me even more scared of the stock market.
I finished reading it while inside the taxi. Traffic! I learned that his maid who earns a monthly salary less than mine has no more than P800,000 in the stock market!
Amazing, right? It was then that I learned about the Truly Rich Club.
But I just ignored it.
I thought I could learn stock market on my own. There are plenty of free information in the internet. Why would I subscribe to Truly Rich Club?
Little did I know that to master the stock market, one has to be full time in stock market. That was not possible in my case. I have a full-time job. I don't have the luxury to spend my whole day mastering the ins and outs of the market.
I needed a mentor but it took me a long time to accept that.
I wish I took the first step years ago.
When I finally became of Truly Rich Club, that's when I could sleep without worrying about my stocks.
Bo Sanchez, with his stock market mentor, coaches thousands of people like his maid about the DOs and DON'Ts in Stock Market Investing.
Ever since I joined the Club, I grew not only in my knowledge but more so, in my finances.
Do you want a vehicle towards financial freedom?
No matter where you're coming from, this can bring you to WHERE YOU WANT TO GO.
If you want Bo to be your personal financial coach, click the link below.

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