Leadership and Commitment - Introduction

Position and title don’t make a person a leader. You don’t need to be a mayor or a president before you become a leader. You don’t need to be a manager before you become a leader. Anyone, even as an ordinary student, a farmer, an ordinary employee, a brother or a sister, you can be a leader!

Being elected as an officer of an organization, a society or a company is an opportunity. It is given to you because you are perceived to be a potential leader. Position, as well as title is like a vehicle. It speeds and boosts up your leadership capacity. It enables you to connect with others having similar designation.

It is good to have a supportive team when you take a leadership role. You can’t do everything. You have to delegate certain tasks to certain people. These people help you become successful in taking your tasks.

I believe that my leadership journey started in my childhood as a big brother. I didn’t have the best things in life. I didn’t have an ideal family. As a little boy wandering what had been going on with my life, I knew I couldn’t be cozy or I would stay helpless forever.

It was like living in a dark tunnel. I had to find a spark of light to guide me through to get out of it.
My dreams were enough reason to get out of there. As a kid, I dreamed of a lot of things. I still find it a mystery where I got them from. God must have planted it in my mind. Or perhaps it’s because of the longing of having them.

We didn’t have books at home. It was a luxury to buy books that no one would ever read. I don’t remember seeing someone from the family ever read something, except for Jai Alai ticket.

One day as I visited my classmate’s house, there flashed in my eyes books that seemed like golden acorns neatly piled on their shelves. Out of pure wish, I asked from my father a set of encyclopedia on as a present my graduation. Of course, that didn’t happen!

So, I kept on dreaming and wishing about books.When I got a job after college, the first thing I bought was a book, a fiction novel by Stephen King.

When I was in high school, I promised myself that once I finished my studies and got a decent job, I would help finance the education of my siblings.

So, I did! Three of them are now college graduates.

That is how my leadership journey started.

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