Shirt for Love

I love to paint. I love making T-shirt designs. I love positive words. These are the things that inspired me to come up with this site. At first, it was just for self-gratification. That’s why, it took me years to finally publish and present this to the world.

I am a survivor of the monstrous typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan). No drama. It’s been 3 months already. The hype has slowly cooled down. The media seldom talk about it now. However, the real battle has just begun…

I want to help. I am desperate to help. But how? I can’t just drop my responsibilities and my job to go on a mission. Some people can do that. I don’t know how they do that, but I think there’s a better way without making such a drastic move, without quitting my job.

Why not do something that I love? I love to sing! Hmmm… I can join The Voice of the Philippines on TV? If I win, I can donate the money to build some houses in Leyte. What if I don’t win? I know I have a good voice… (Ahem) But what if my voice is not good enough to win, even if I did my best… Just once! I’d end up being a joke and jobless and perhaps gravely desperate.

During my spare time, I paint and I write stuff for my blogs. I believe they’re God’s gift. I believe God planted them in my soul because I feel joy doing them. I learned that the best way to utilize our gifts is to share them to others. They’re not for selfish reasons. They are for a purpose. I remember the Parable of the Talents. The Master entrusted to his 3 servants his property. The first two servants invested them and gained some more, while the third servant hid his share under the ground because he was afraid of losing it. In the end, the Master blessed the two servants with even more, while the third man received nothing. I don’t want to be like the third man.

I love to paint. I love making T-shirt designs. And I love to write. Now, I can combine all of them for a purpose!

50% of the proceeds of this project will be donated to my Toastmasters friends in Leyte. A lot of them are still roofless or homeless. I am hoping, this way I could somehow help if not all of them, at least some of them.

More designs will be posted at

48 Laws of Power According to Robert Greene

Recently I bought a red book. It’s quite expensive but it’s worth it. I find most of its ideas different from I’m used to. Maybe, it’s liberating as well, and they’re worth trying. Here is the list of 20 out of 48 items, which Robert Greene, the author refers as the 48 Laws of Power.

1. Never outshine the master

2. Never put too much trust in friends, learn how to use enemies

3. Conceal your intentions

4. Always say less than necessary

5. So much depends on reputation – guard it with your life

6. Court attention at all costs

7. Get others to do the work for you, but always take the credit. NOTE: this is not really as negative as it sounds. That’s why you have to read the whole chapter.

8. Make other people come to you – use bait if necessary

9. Win through your actions, never through argument

10. Avoid the unhappy and unlucky

11. Learn to keep people dependent on you

12. Use selective honesty and generosity

13. When asking for help, appeal to people’s self-interest

14. Pose as a friend, work as a spy

15. Crush your enemy totally

16. Use absence to increase respect and honor

17. Keep others in suspense: cultivate an air of unpredictability

18. Do not build fortress to protect yourself – isolation is dangerous

19. Know who you’re dealing with – do not offend the wrong person

20. Do not commit to anyone

AREA 83 Speech Contest

toastmasters speech contest
We're inviting fellow toastmasters to join us on our speech contest area level, on Saturday, February 22, 2014. Venue will be at the beautiful resort of former Division K Governor Linda Lagera, ACG/ALB, Balai Constancia, Carigara Leyte Philippines.

8th of November last year, a super-typhoon named Yolanda (Haiyan) visited our place and left us in total mess - literally! It was one of the most horrible experiences in our life. And the agonizing part isn't even over yet. Many people remain roofless or homeless. On the brighter side though, we never feel hopeless.

Maybe it's true that everything is a process. So, life must go on. What happened was part of the history. A history that may have wounded us so deeply, but like any other kinds of wound, we are healing. We will face the future with positive spirit not because we have to, but because we love to. We have so many reasons to be enthusiastic with life. As the lyric of a song goes, there's a rainbow always after the rain. And by far, the rainbows in life outweigh the storms.

On February 22nd, witness our brave speakers showcase their wit in sharing their stories of struggles and triumphs. Be inspired. Be there.... We need your support!